We are NIST compliance EXPERTS and can help you with confusing framework requirements.

Armour Data has experience working with the NIST framework and can virtually service you company from anywhere in the country to ensure that they are compliant with government regulations. Because we are fluent in various compliance frameworks, we are uniquely qualified to help meet the December 31, 2017 NIST SP 800-171 compliance requirement.

What is adequate security for NIST compliance?

Minimum cyber security framework standards break down into the following 14 areas:

  • Access Control
  • Awareness & Training
  • Audit & Accountability
  • Configuration Management
  • Identification & Authentication
  • Incident Response
  • Maintenance
  • Media Protection
  • Maintenance
  • Personnel Security
  • Physical Protection
  • Risk Assessment
  • System & Communication Protection
  • System & Info Integrity

Stronghold Cyber Security can help you reach full compliance in these areas by the December 31, 2017 deadline. In addition to not only meeting NIST compliance, we can also help your business exceed these requirements and be one step ahead of the ever-changing security standards because achieving compliance is just the beginning, maintenance is a never ending process.